Narrabundah College Drama presents 'The Wolves' by Sarah DeLappe

Narrabundah College Drama presents 'The Wolves' by Sarah DeLappe

Narrabundah College Drama is proud to present 'The Wolves' by Sarah DeLappe. Watch as nine teenage soccer players take to the field to face down their fears, fight their battles, and explore what it means to be human. Funny, heartwarming and brimming with life, 'The Wolves' will challenge your perceptions, tug at your heartstrings, and leave you ready to howl along with the rest of team.
Running only from 16-18 August, don't miss this "exhilarating and thought-provoking play".
'The Wolves'
By Sarah DeLappe
16-18 August
Hawk Theatre, Narrabundah College
Tickets: $5-15


